West Palm Beach Probation Violation Defense Attorney

Experienced Legal Guidance for Probation Issues in West Palm Beach

If the Florida authorities believe you have violated the terms of your probation, you may be arrested or the Florida court could have a warrant issued for your arrest. Your hearing will result in one of three outcomes:

  • Modification of your probation (more restrictions added)
  • Revocation of your probation and sending you back to jail
  • Your probation will be reinstated 

A judge has broad discretion in determining what the penalties for probation violation are. The court’s action can result in additional restrictions or even jail time. It is important to have a skilled defense attorney at your probation hearing to protect your rights and interests.

At The Pakett Law Group, PA, we have over a decade of criminal defense experience and are well aware of the challenges and dilemmas individuals face while on probation. Experienced West Palm Beach violation of probation lawyer Brian Pakett will know how to highlight why the allegations against you may be unjust or the legitimate reasons why you were unable to keep up with the requirements of your probation. We ready to review your case and, if necessary, put a compelling argument forth on your behalf during your probation hearing.

We’re ready to hear your story. Contact us today to request a free case evaluation with our seasoned probation attorney. We serve clients throughout West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Wellington, & Delray Beach.

Understanding Florida’s Probation Violation Laws

According toFlorida Statutes 948.06.01,

“Whenever within the period of probation or community control there are reasonable grounds to believe that a probationer or offender…has violated his or her probation or community control in a material respect, any law enforcement officer…or any probation officer may arrest or request…to arrest such probationer or offender without warrant wherever found and return him or her to the court granting such probation or community control.”

The individual violating probation must then undergo a hearing, at which point a judge may decide to extend their probation, add additional terms, or even send them back to jail. What happens depends on many factors, including how the probation was violated and the quality of one’s legal counsel.

Common Reasons for Probation Violations in Florida

A judge can place any terms and conditions on your probation that they feel is appropriate to your crime. If you violate any of these limits, you may have your probation revoked, which can result in incarceration.

Common causes that can lead to a violation of probation warrant in Florida include:

  • Failing to appear in court
  • Failing to attend or complete court-ordered classes
  • Failing to complete any ordered community service
  • Failing to meet with your probation officer
  • Failing to pay court fees or restitution
  • Getting charged with a crime during your probation

Choose a Trusted West Palm Beach Probation Violation Attorney

First-degree grand theft is the most serious type of grand theft charge. Classified as a first-degree felony, first-degree grand theft is punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000. First-degree grand theft includes property stolen that is:

  • A semitrailer deployed by a law enforcement officer
  • Cargo that has entered the stream of interstate or intrastate commerce valued at $50,000 or more
  • Valued at $100,000 or more
  • In the course of committing grand theft, causes damage in excess of $1,000
  • In the course of committing grand theft, uses a motor vehicle to assist in committing the offense and causes damage

We have years of experience providing criminal defense in West Palm Beach. Let us put that experience to work for you. Contact us today online or at 561-318-0531 to book your free consultation. 

If you want a lawyer that will do everything to help you, Brian Pakett is the lawyer for you.

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