Panic and Leave the Scene of a Car Accident After Drinking and Driving?

hire the best criminal defense law firm in west palm beach, floridaHave you been charged with leaving an accident scene?

Being involved in a car accident is scary enough, but if you’ve been drinking and decide to leave the scene, you’re facing a very serious situation – and one that very well may require you to have an experienced lawyer on your side.

Let’s talk about what this means for you and what you can do about it.

First, let’s be clear: leaving an accident scene (usually called a “hit and run”) is illegal in Florida, whether you’ve been drinking or not. The law says you must stay at the accident scene and help anyone who might be hurt. This means checking on other people involved and calling for help if needed.

Why Do People Leave Accident Scenes?

There are many reasons why someone might leave an accident scene after drinking:

  • Panic and fear
  • Not realizing they hit something
  • Confusion after the crash
  • Fear of getting in trouble for drinking and driving

But here’s the truth: leaving the scene almost always makes things much worse.

The Legal Consequences

The punishment for leaving an accident scene while under the influence depends on what happened in the accident – here is where the details really matter:

If you only damaged property (like another car or fence), you could face up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. That might not sound too bad, but remember – these are just the basic penalties.

If someone was injured, things get much more serious. You could face up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. If someone dies, the minimum prison sentence is 4 years, but you could get up to 30 years and a $10,000 fine.

But wait – there’s more. Because you were drinking, these penalties could be doubled.

Plus, you’ll likely lose your driver’s license, need to install an ignition interlock device in your car (once you can drive again), do community service, and pay money to anyone you hurt.

How a Good Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach Can Help

Now for some good news: just because you left the scene doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There are several ways a good lawyer might be able to help you:

They might show you didn’t know you were in an accident. This happens more often than you might think, especially with minor accidents at night or in bad weather.

If no one clearly saw who was driving, it might be hard for prosecutors to prove you were the driver. Remember, they have to prove everything “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Sometimes people leave accident scenes for good reasons. Maybe you were having a medical emergency yourself, or you left briefly to get help. A good lawyer can explain these circumstances to the court.

Your lawyer might also challenge whether you were really drunk at the time of the accident. If the police took too long to find you, it might be impossible to prove you were drunk while driving rather than drinking after you got home.

DUI consequences west palm beach florida DUI lawyerWhat To Do If You’re Charged With Leaving the Scene of an Accident While Drinking and Driving

If you’ve been charged with leaving the scene of an accident while under the influence, here are some important steps to take:

Get a lawyer right away. Don’t wait, and don’t talk to the police without your lawyer present. Even if you think you’re explaining things well, you might accidentally say something that hurts your case.

Keep quiet about your case. Don’t post about it on social media or discuss it with friends. Anything you say could be used against you later.

Follow all court requirements. Show up to every court date on time. This shows the judge you’re taking the situation seriously.

Consider turning yourself in if you left the scene recently. Working with a lawyer to turn yourself in looks much better than waiting to be caught.

Preventing Future Problems

The best way to avoid these problems is simple – don’t drink and drive.

But if you do find yourself in an accident:

Stay at the scene. The penalties for leaving are almost always worse than the penalties for staying.

  • Call 911 if anyone might be hurt.
  • Exchange information with other drivers.
  • Take pictures of the damage if you can do so safely.
  • Wait for police to arrive.

Remember, a moment of panic that leads you to leave an accident scene can change your life forever. If you’re already in this situation, don’t make it worse by trying to handle it alone. Get professional legal help as soon as possible.

The Bigger Picture

Being charged with leaving the scene of an accident while under the influence is serious, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. With the right legal help and by taking the right steps after being charged, you can work to minimize the impact on your future. The key is acting quickly and making smart decisions from the moment you’re charged.

Need help with your case? Many lawyers offer free consultations where you can discuss your situation and learn about your options. Don’t let fear keep you from getting the help you need to protect your rights and your future.

Don’t Wait to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

The bottom line is this: if you’ve been charged with a crime like leaving the scene of an accident – or you are under investigation for this crime – the best time to hire a criminal defense attorney is immediately.

The earlier you have professional legal representation, the better your chances of avoiding critical mistakes, protecting your rights, and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Remember – arrests are common in Florida, the legal consequences are serious, and having a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer is essential to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome.

If you were charged with a serious crime in West Palm Beach or anywhere in the state of Florida, please schedule a free consultation with The Pakett Law Group. You can call 561-318-0531 or email us here.

The Pakett Law Group, PA is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality representation. With over a decade of legal experience, West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer Brian T. Pakett and his team of West Palm Beach criminal lawyers possess a comprehensive understanding of Florida criminal law – which can benefit you in your time of need.

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